
對象:適合六歲到八歲 ,有注音符號基礎的小朋友選讀。建議上學年完成博根幼稚班的同學選讀。

Traditional Chinese characters and the Chinese phonetic system bo-po-mo are taught.
Suitable for children 6-8. Recommended for students who completed K or have studied phonetic system Bo-po-m.


Learning Goals

總體目標 Overall Class Goal
除了中文語言的知識學習之外,希望能開拓孩子們的文化觀與價值觀,並希望藉由不同的課堂活動,提升小朋友對中文的學習興趣。同時,也希望能讓孩子們,將平日所學的中文,逐步運用到日常生活當中,以加強孩子們的聽說讀寫能力。 Help the children learn bo po mo, pinyin, increase their vocabulary, and learn to write some pictograms –all in a comfortable and joyful environment. As the children build their phonics skills and a beginning character set, they will apply these skills and begin to read independently.
語文 Language Art
希 望學生在未來的這一年,能學習數字與方向的正確用法;認識五官眼、耳、口、鼻;簡單的大自然象形文字,如風、火、水、土、雲、雨等。利用簡單的文字建立起 字、詞彙庫,再逐步運用到日常生活中。讓學生由遊戲中培養學中文的興趣,進而融會貫通地進入中文境界,慢慢學會聽說讀寫與造句,利用每週一次的日記,養成 書寫簡易文章的基礎。 Students will not only learn the language skills but also deepen their understanding of Chinese culture. Various classroom activities are designed to motivate the children to actively learn and apply their knowledge of Chinese language and culture.
文化常識 Chinese Culture
以中國三大節日:春節、端午節、中秋節為主,介紹節慶風俗民情、製作傳統節慶手藝品與傳統吉祥物品等。三字經與六首唐詩背誦 :靜夜思、憫農、登鸛雀樓、江雪、遊子吟、春曉。讓學生經由背誦,訓練習慣說中國話的口語與嘴型。請書法林瑩琦老師教學生習寫簡易書法。 Learn about the three major Chinese festivals: Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and and Mid‐Autumn Festival. Make traditional holiday crafts and auspicious items. Recite San‐Zi‐Jin and six Tang poems. The calligraphy teacher, Lin Yingqi Lao‐Shi, will teach students how to write simple calligraphy.
作業與評量 Homework and Assessment
作業以美洲華語所附之作業為主,再以老師自編之補充教材為輔,讓學生吸收多樣化、有趣的作業,以提升學生自動自發做功課的興趣 Weekly homework includes the standard homework packet that accompanies the textbook with supplementary material where applicable.


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