
Updated May 29, 2023

The BCS Parents Basketball League has been successfully running every school year since BCS has been in Tenafly High School (minus that one year).  We look forward to continuing our program throughout the 2023-2024 school semesters and beyond. 

If you’re interested in checking us out and getting a little exercise while your children are in class, please feel free to stop by the main Tenafly High School gym to check it out.  We’ll be out there every Sunday when school is in session, except for when the kids have events. 

As it currently stands, we have a decent number of regulars, but more are always welcomed (both mom’s and dad’s alike).  If we have enough players (and if we’re up to it), we run full court weekly.  Our goal is have a little fun, exercise, and overall it’s a great way to kill some time while the kids are in class.  There are no set teams; this is just pick-up basketball.  There are no obligations to play every week.

Rule #1 for us is and always has been don’t get hurt.

League Membership Fees

Unfortunately, as with most things in life, the gym does not come free.  The annual fees will depend on however much Tenafly High School charges us divided by the number of regulars we have.  On average, costs have ranged from $80-150 per person for the school year.  We normally round up our fees and donate all proceeds to BCS or BCS PTA. 

There is no fee for non-regulars who come occasionally, but any donation towards BCS and/or BCS PTA would be greatly appreciated if you plan to participate.

If you’re at all interested, please feel free to reach out to Jeffrey Chiang at, or at (646) 210-8286.

*Interested participants must be parents of BCS students.

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